Sunday, August 13, 2006

i am 80% childish. OMGWTHBBQ!!

[x]Sleep with a stuffed animal
[x] Eat sugary cereal for breakfast
[x] Watch Saturday Morning cartoons
[x] Are afraid of the dark
[ ] Love the color pink
[ ] Never get in fights with your parents
[ ] Think ice cream for lunch is perfectly reasonable
[x] Hug often
[x] Cry about stupid things
[x] Use the "sad eyes" on your parents
[ ] Have a goldfish as a pet
[x] Wear slippers
[ ] Are attracted to shiny objects
[x] Think happy faces are cute
[x] Sometimes answer the phone by saying, "Yellow?"
[ ] Pick your nose
[ ] Shower less than three times a week
[ ] sumtimes Take bubble baths
[ ] Have a furby
[x] Think it is fun to catch bugs
[ ] Know how to take the stinger out of a bee
[ ] Use a lifejacket when you go swimming
[ ] Make daisy necklaces/bracelets when yougo to the park
[x] Love the game 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'
[x] Listen to Britney Spears and N*Sync
[x] Watch Spongebob Squarepants
[x] Dream about going to amusement parks
[x] when im bored. i Like these surveys
Now count up all your x's and multiply it by 5.type " I am ___% childish "


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